
Monday, January 30, 2017

A Message to the Women and Men who Serve Their Country, Turtle Island.....

A Message to the Men and Women who Serve their Country, Turtle Island.

   I have great respect for you.  However, in the past, when you were the armed and decorated solders of the United States of America, you were constantly misled by our government and made to do a great deal of dirty work to maintain a level of comfort for  the few and the White [mostly], but maintain a level of real oppression and exploitation for far too many people of color and even White poor people.

     I have no real power that I know of except the power of a man in front of a computer and a typing board and the powers that GOD has given me. I don’t fully know How to utilize those powers. If I did and if they were great, the world would be a much different place.

     I ask that you not sit still and allow our government, in its present state and form, do things that you feel are unjustified, illegal, illrighitious, of unethical without hearing from you as an organized power and an organized voice.  Not just the veterans among you, but also the enlisted and active-duty women and men who want to speak out, must be able to do so.

     You have options. You can write letters anonymously, you can petition the government anonymously, you can ask you friends state-side to make their voices and your voices heard, you can buy stocks with your pay in progressive and revolutionary companies, you can buy stocks in companies that are awful politically [discriminators, polluters, haters of humanity, etc.] and make your voices of decent known among those companies or corporation’s Boards and Directors and their Presidents, Founders and Chief Executive Officers. I am not demanding that you do this. I am saying this is something you can do to continue in the armed forces and keep aor develop a good conscious. You can also petition your government, your congress people, your governor, your community leaders, and your families about starting a Peace Time Economy where you would get active-duty non-war, non-threatening jobs that would never find your lives to be in danger.  You must also, if you can and want to, no matter if you are straight of Gay, you must, in good conscious, petition your government to never hold you back for expressing your sexuality in a wholesome, open and acceptable Way, if that is what you want to do.  

  All these things I am asking you to do, not requiring you to do. I also think you must write your new leadership, the Native American People.  Some of the organizations you should write and pledge yu allegiance to include The Native American Rights Fund, The National Congress of American Indians; and the American Indian College Fund.  Sned them a few dollars. This takes courage. I can only ask you to do this. I cannot demand it, but I feel it is very important, or I would not have taken the time to write you about it. 

     Stand up for yu rights. Don’t take losing any rights laying down. Read some good books and listen to the news and traditional news sources less.  You will find yourself having more courage to fight the battle at home as well as find yourself closer to GOD. If you want to write me, you may do so at,


I LOVe, you and Respect your decisions to not do anything at all of take an active role in freeing our cuintry from the grips of those who are trying to balance us towards destruction, isolation and regret.  GOD Bless you.




Brother Tracy Gibson,

President and Founder and Chief Executive Officer of

Brother Tracy Gibson and Associates, INC.

A corporation dedicated to building a great and balanced foundation for Black People internationally.

670 North 41st Street

Apt. B

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104

1 (215) 823 9985

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Why I'm a Republican.....By Anonymous

Following the path of what I believe is a true Republican.//  By anonymous ..

     My feeling is that President Abraham Lincoln represented what a true Republican is. I have, after being a Democrat for 40 years, I have taken on the mantel of being a Republican for three reasons.

     1] I think the back and forth banter over social programs has gotten Black people nowhere except in a trap of poverty for about 40 % of our population and has left us as very confused voters. Social programs, many started under President Roosevelt, were not even available to Black people because of governmental racism back in the 1930’s and 1940’s... When such programs are available to us, they often lead to our being ``hooked’’ on the social program and not making much financial and political progress.  There are people in our neighborhoods who promote socialism and communism. I am not one of them. I think our biggest problem, aside from not trusting each other and being deserving of such trust by not playing games and exploiting each other, is our severe lack of access to the capital needed to start businesses of our own and successfully maintain those businesses. We also need to support, unequivocally, our own Black businesses and give such Black business owners more than a second chance to do the best they can.

   2] The other reason I have become a Republican is the fact that the Democratic Party was started by racists.  Now the shoe seems to be on the other foot, with Republicans being mostly the racist ones. My contention is that both Republicans and Democrats are ``hooked’’ on White supremacy – for the most part – and not interested in helping the majority of Black people get good jobs, maintain those jobs, get good educations, and buy Real Estate, buy stocks and bonds in their own companies, and do the best for themselves as Black people and Black communities.

     We have to take on the mantel of these things ourselves and think positively, never betray our Black Brothers and Sisters and keep our eyes on the prize. The prize, which in my opinion is real freedom, real justice and real equality as well as real opportunity, has to stop being just out of reach, and start being a reality instead of an elusive North American dream.  We can provide these things for ourselves without going begging, hat in hand, to the White man.

     The key is to be honest with yourself where ever your political philosophy is. Now Republicans are quite racist. You might ask, ``What am I as a progressive and revolutionary thinker doing among them? I rarely vote Republican. In the last Presidential election I voted for Nelson Mandela for President; Angela Davis for United States of Native America Senate ; and for myself as a Congressman. I wrote in the votes. This gave me the power to lift my head high when I exited the voting booth. I did not compromise. I did not vote for the gentleman who is now serving in the White House, nor do I think I could considering his racist stand on many issues and his conservative stand on many issues. I am a progressive and a revolutionary. A Black man who is openly Gay and proud of myself for the achievements I have made.

     The racists have tried to keep me back and hold me back for years and years, but, following the path GOD has set before me, I have kept my head up and my spirits up, no matter what. I have lost both parents in the last 11 years; and I have a good relationship with people many people, but only one LOVer.  Much of the estrangement of my extended family has to do with my financial vilification and the fact that I have to exists on less than $1,400.00 a month.  To me, this is humanly impossible considering the cost of rent and food and other items in Philadelphia and other such big cities.

     I have Big plans to sell Tee-Shirts; sell my books; and get work that will be meaningful and financially rewarding. At 60, I have found this very difficult to do, but I keep working at it everyday and have made progress. It is not nearly the progress I want to make, but it is progress none the less…  The third reason I joined the Republican Party was to get into the ring with the enemy and face them down right up close and personal. I will probably find some allies, but I am a very liberal person at heart. However, the Democrats have not promoted enough Black leadership and haven’t had a true liberal since John Kennedy in the White house. I also am a Republican so I can make some real and true money instead of the money I make right now. I am on disability, but I know I won’t be for long, because GOD’s path has and will lead to something much better.   I don’t think people should be judged by their party affiliation; age; sex; sexual orientation; gender status; eye color; skin color; national origin; religion; or their ability to pay any certain financial fee.  I am tired of Black people saying ``this is a struggle’’ and ``I’m part of the struggle’’. At 60 I should not be struggling any longer. I am also tired of Black people saying they blame everything on the White man. Not when we are the ones not supporting our Black activists who have dedicated 20, 30 or 40 years to the forward movement of our Black people. Not when we are the ones who still spend $80.00 among Asian or White people to get our nails done; not when we are the ones spending $300.00 on Season football tickets when we hardly have food on the table and our children’s schooling paid for; not when we spend hundreds of dollars on lottery tickets and don’t even know where the Black bank is, never visit and never open an account there.  These are thing that we as Black people can change over time. If we change them and take positive action to eat better, live better and treat each other more fairly, it doesn’t matter what religion we are or what party we belong to.    I am a Republican to learn and to teach. Not to support any one candidate.

Monday, January 23, 2017

An Open Letter to Ducky Birts about a JOB // Janaury 23rd, 2017 Monday

January 23, 2017 Monday

An Open Letter to Community Activist // Mr. ``Ducky'' Birts

Care of Zion Baptist Church

Broad and Venango Street

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

From Brother Tracy Gibson

Dear Brother Birts,

     Wow! That was a really long commemorative program on Monday – Martin Luther King Junior day.  I was very glad I made the decision to attend the program at Zion Baptist Church.  First I want to thank you for all the years you have invested in our local Black community and also for the time you have spent in dealing with issues on the state and national level --  issues that are vital to our Black community here in Philadelphia and to Black people nationally and internationally.

     If it was not for people like me and you, our community would be much worse off, more disorganized, more uninformed and more unable to get the vital goods and services we need to not only survive, but thrive as well.

     There are so many issues that need tackling. Issues like education; profitability for our Black companies and our larger Black corporations;  how our image is treated in the major media and in Black media; paying proper tribute to our leaders from past years; and constructing a positive path for our youth to follow [with their help and input of course].

     I think Doctor Martin Luther King, Junior and Reverend Lion Sullivan did an excellent job dedicating themselves to our causes and served as an excellent role models for us to follow and learn from.  One thing both leaders were great at was sharing wealth and information with others who wanted to have influence and input and who hailed from our Black community as well.

     Unfortunately for me, as a person who suffers from an emotional instability [which is almost totally under control], I have not been given much of an inroad to some of the wealth and support that exist in our community for activists. [I hope you will take the time to examine the enclosed documents that show some of the hard work I have done most recently including my Gibson Principals for Africa; my 2016 Corporate Annual Report; my 2015 Corporate Annual Report; and my statement on prison reform I sent to the Obama Administration only days after they were first installed in the Presidency.

     What I’m getting at is not only my own personal financial needs being unfulfilled, but the fact that many, many other activists are having to do without and spend their own needed dollars for their work when there is a deep need for such dollars to come from the Black community. [I don’t think grants from our so-called oppressors such as Exxon and Halliburton are acceptable sources for us to take money from because there are always strings attached that can weaken what we need to be about as champions for our Black community].

     What we really need to do is work to replace the dollars we spend as a Black community outside of our Black community with dollars spent for our own Black companies inside our Black community. We need to support our Black businesses! This will take years to fully expand and is a Herculean task, considering the thousands of dollars the corporate structure spends on advertising aimed at Black inner-city markets. ]

     However, because a task is big doesn’t mean it should not be taken into our realm of work to be done. I have supported our using the United Bank; and I just recently gave an Ethiopian Restaurant owner some information about how to advertise in Black publications and on WURD: 900 AM Black Talk Radio.  These are things that really get at the heart of helping our Black community.

     Every year I look at the events that are advertised in PNB newspaper, including some sponsored by you and your foundation.  Being a ``little guy’’ with a severely limited income, I have not been able to attend any of these events, but I want you to know I support you in Spirit.  I was fortunate enough to be able to join WURD 900 AM Black Talk Radio a few weeks ago.  They sent me a nice Tee-Shirt and a list of Black companies to support. I have already decided to visit Smooth Like That Men and Boys Clothing Store—at 5705 North Broad Street--  and  JCW Computer Consulting at 7478 Rhodes Street, Suite B. There are Ways of expanding the list of Black stores WURD has as advertisers, and I plan on doing that further into the future.

     I LOVe being a Black activist and won’t stop no matter how ostracized I feel from our established  Black leadership.  But now that I’m 60 years old, I would like to not only be recognized, but properly compensated for the important work I do.  My feeling is that there is plenty of work to go around and plenty of money to be reinvested into our Black activist’s communities. 

     I have a plan that I’m working on formulizing that helps build an infrastructure that includes factories and administrative corporate buildings that will make sure more and more of our Black dollars get back into the hands of Black people. Like I said in a recent letter – not everybody wants to get a college education.  Factory jobs at good pay don’t have to be something foreign to our shores if we have a determined Spirit and are willing to talk about the benefits gained from such stability that good factory work can supply and demand such from our Black corporate, civic and community leaders.

     We used to have the Black United Fund as a source of income for our Black community.  I have to look into what they are doing. I know they were curtailed from some of their financial activities because they took bold action and supported Mumia Abu Jamal in at least one instance. The more we take on the powers that be and support our Sisters and Brothers the more we will be rewarded by our own progressive Black community.  But such things need us to take action and fully educating our Black public as to why they are so important.

     I hope you remember my name from the days when we were boycotting the Daily News and meeting at Brother Bruce Crawley’s Center City office.  We really had the Daily News on the ropes and were about to help, I thought, the Philadelphia Tribune become a Daily newspaper. But the rock was chipped, and things changed and we didn’t keep the pressure on for some reason. [I wrote Bruce, but never got an answer as to why we weren’t keeping the pressure on and making the positive changes we needed to make. ]

   I know you must get quite a few Black people asking for work and jobs frequently. I am sending you a resume to help you see who I truly am and help me get a job. I am more than willing to work and will put in a full day’s work for a full day’s pay. I have written WURD about being a consultant for them [I have a degree in journalism and Black Studies from The Ohio State University]; I also recently got my Serv.Safe certificate [Certificate number 14312656], in food service through a class with the People’s Emergency Center. I also have an extensive work record with my own company and experience with the Philadelphia Tribune and TV Guide magazine.

     I am willing and able to work and I especially LOVe our Black youth and want to work as a counselor / teacher for them.  However, in this field I need more qualifications even though I worked unpaid for a Black men’s support group for seven years as a facilitator. I have also written ENON Tabernacle Baptist Church [Reverend Waller] to apply for work in their kitchen.

     Your work to help me find a job is greatly appreciated.  I really enjoyed the Martin Luther King Junior / Leon Sullivan event  and ask that you keep me informed for other such events in the future.




Tracy Gibson,

Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer,

Brother Tracy Gibson and Associates, INC.

Finding inroads to help our entire Black community.