
Thursday, December 27, 2018

Letter of needs to Thespian Denzel Washington

Letter to Thespian Denzel Washington:

     I sent Mr. Frank Sanchez, your assistant, an urgent message regarding some needs I have that when filled, the entire Black family will be more stable & get needed help.

     1 ] I am going back to school for youth counseling at Philadelphia Community College. I need a $11,000.00 grant to pay off my student debt. I am forever thankful.  

     2 ] Student ID Loan # 125682286 Mohela -- about $ 11,000.00

633 Spirit Drive
Chesterfield, MO 63005 - 1243

     3 ] I am also in need of a $25,000.00 grant to pay off my back debt so I can buy property in the very near future.
Debts include:

******$300.00 to Capital One for an ole credit card.

******$350. to Verizon Cable for an ole cable bill from when I lived in New Castle, Delaware.

******$400.00 for an ole bank account at PNC Bank.  A corporate account that was mistakenly overdrawn when the PNC bank gave me credit when I thought I had a balance, but didn't.

******$1,117.00 for furniture on lay-away at 56th & Lancaster Avenue in West Philadelphia. [ I have never had a sofa at my present apartment. I have been here for three years, this past September 11.

******$1,500.00 for food. I have very little food at home & can't eat the church mission food due to high blood pressure.

******$6,000.00 for new suits & shoes so I can look respectable & presentable as I advocate for Black youth in Philadelphia  -- like your character in ~~The Great Debaters,'' so faithfully did in one of my favorite movies. { I watched it over 30 times.}. [I only have one suite; one pair of shoes & one pair of sneakers plus about six shirts & six sweaters & 15 ties. I may not need any new ties. ] By the Way, I promise to purchase most of my clothing from Smooth Like That -- a Black clothing store at  
5705 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Penn 19141. Phone, 215 276 9020

Total, $44,550.00 I Am already ever thankful. If you need any supportive information, please contact me as soon as you can. 1 { 215 } 823 9985. My home address is,

Mr. Tracy Gibson
670 North 41st Street
Apartment B
Philadelphia, Penn 19104 - 5202

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Hunter Gibson Principals for AFRICA!

African Principals below,
The Gibson // Hunter Principals, for AFRICA!!!
These principles are offered to ALL people of African descent and ALL people of the world who are concerned about us to begin a process, that has already started in some quarters, that will bring about greater decency, equality, respect, cooperation, and financial prosperity WITHOUT exploitation from any corporate, government, quazi-government or private or other force from within or outside the African Continent.  They are offered to bring about help for the African continent and its’ People, and help to build on an already existing program of support for the People of Africa and the entire African Diaspora. They are also offered in the same spirit of healing, LOVe and fairness that the Sullivan Principles [from the now late Reverend Leon Sullivan of Philadelphia’s great Zion Baptist Church] were offered to the South Africans during Apartheid.       
             No African, regardless of your station in life, is to treat another African with anything but RESPECT and DIGNITY.
             All the people of the world who are concerned about the People of Africa, The African Continent and the African Diaspora are to show that concern in a real and lasting way through some process or consideration at least once a week.  That concern can be something as small as a letter to your Congressperson asking for more financial support for any given program that has been proven effective  in helping the People of Africa such as: rightful land ownership; land and property management; the use of private and public funds in helping African people; finding Ways to provide clean, fresh water and effective irrigation for the people and crops of Africa; finding Ways to lessen, end and or to avoid violence, civil strife, conflicts and war; finding effective and useful Ways to treat women, men and children in a respectful and dignified Way for the duration; and to help Africans who may be infected or affected in ANY way what so ever with  such maladies as  HIV and AIDS. This list is BY NO MEANS ALL- INCLUSIVE… Other Africans, Caribbean’s, African Americans or others from the African Diaspora  working on such decency and Peace initiatives for the Continent of Africa MUST BE EQUALLY CONSIDERED…
             Wars of aggression on the African continent should be covered by ALL media just like any war in any other part of the world.
             People MUST be allowed to see the progress, highlighted in a positive Way, that is going on in Africa and that is spearheaded by African people just as much if not more than they see the negative things that African People are doing on the African Continent.
             Cultural differences MUST BE RESPECTED even though they are not supported or understood by people and governments and government leaders from the West. This RESPECT must be a forthright goal even if those cultural differences are considered heinous, strange, stupid, evil, ignorant or indifferent.
         The massive influence and economic control that the international corporate structure has on Africa and the lives of Africans must be controlled, tailored, shaped and molded with the full consent, agreement, and control of the majority of the People of African descent living on the African continent and their leaders and those leaders MUST not be deemed controlled or unduly influenced by said international corporate structure or those leaders can be replaced through an open, non-violent and democratic process in a timely manner.
             We must all take time to understand the so-called tribal wars and tribal differences that exist among the Africans and find solutions and Ways of resolving those differences while bringing about a peaceful co-existence among African People.
             Different and divergent aspects of the Black community in the United States and Black communities and Black people around the world are asked to come together to bring forth a peaceful, meaningful, safe, mutually beneficial, and economically rewarding existence for ALL AFRICAN PEOPLE throughout the World.
             The harsh treatment of the environment is to be avoided at ALL cost and ALL AFRICANS are to get and prioritize clean water, a clean and safe environment, clean and pollution-free air and the building and retooling of buildings must follow ``green building’’ guidelines to be drawn up by groups of independent Africans who cannot and will not be impacted on by corrupt influences or Western influences except for technical and financial assistance. Such technical and financial assistance MUST be without money strings attached or corrupted in ANY WAY. 
             Population control must be part of the equation for proper and progressive development in Africa, but we must remember that Africa is a network of developing Nations. As such, the African People are not super consumers as we are in the West (Europe and the United States).  Africans use far less food, electricity, goods and services and other energy sources than the West does and an African Person is far less of a consumer because of this.  He or She leaves far less waste and far less harsh treatment to the environment than His or Her Western Cousin. 
             Businesses that do business and develop in Africa must do so with high principles, morals and ethics and have as their core value the benefit of the People of Africa NOT PROFITS AND THE KIND OF BRUTAL EXPLOITATION THAT TRADITIONALLY IS ASSOCIATED WITH WHITE-RUN BIG BUSINESSES ON THE AFRICAN CONTINENT.  Black Africans MUST be part of the business process all along the Way, and not just any Africans, but people who have a long history of positive community involvement / progressive political views and actions / and who share not only the profit-making motive but an authentic concern for the People and the Land of This Great Continent. They MUST also have the interests of ALL the African People at heart including the children of Africa, women, men and the disabled.
             Homosexual People or Gay and Lesbian People, Transgendered People and Bisexual People among the African People MUST be treated with fairness, respect and dignity even as cultural differences and historical conflicts are worked out, considered, pondered, examined, studied, written about  and explored. The model of South Africa having Gay and Lesbian Rights as part of their Constitution MUST be a goal for each and every African country. There needs to be a consideration of partnership rights, fair treatment, access to education, access to housing rights, access to employment rights and access to jobs and other such rights considered, even as the cultural, tribal and ethnic  differences that might see homosexuals as a threat, are explored, studied and considered. The goal MUST be to consider the rights of homosexuals and transgendered People just as fairly and equally as the rights of other people in Africa.
By Brother Tracy Gibson.
February 18, 2013 Wednesday
Re-Edited and Up-Dated on September 8th, 2013…
Check the spelling and meaning of ``Principles’’
At the Library and send as an e-mail to Oxfam America, The United Nations and the Ghanaian Embassy.

Contract for the Fair, Equitable & good treatment of humanity.

Contract for the Fair, Equitable & good treatment of humanity

1 ] every human MUST have clean drinking water, healthy nutritious & adequate food to eat & at least adequate shelter & heat & hot & cold running water.

2 ] Wealthy People are asked { voluntarily }  to put all their money { Over $300 Million Dollars } in an international fund that is to be run responsibly, through an incorruptible process with trusted rotated leadership that is open to the public for leadership.  

3 ] Poor countries as well as rich countries are to have access in a fair & equitable manner & process.

4 ] Balance & fairness is to be kept in mind as funds are collected & shared.

Signed and to be notarized by January 11th, 2019.

Originally written by Mr. Tracy Charles Gibson,

On December 22rd, 2018, Saturday.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

circumstance with medication Tracy Charles Gibson

December 18th, 2018 Tuesday

From: Mr. Tracy Charles Gibson

670 North 41st

Apartment B

Philadelphia, PA 19104 – 5202

  1. {215  } 823  9985

A Patient of Ms Michelle’s a { 215 } 233  --  5792

At The Consortium Mental Health Center at 56th & Chestnut

To: Director Mr. Emmett Highbaugh

     Hope & Pray you are in Good Spirits & health. I am in a situation where one of my medicines – stelizine or Trifluthorozine  -- is being discontinued. I am running out of this medication. My Pharmacy  -- Overbrook Plaza Pharmacy  -- cannot re-fill this prescription & neither can CVS. I apparently need to be reevaluated by Ms Gwen Morrison to get a new prescription. My prescriptions were being written by Doctor Leo Zachariah of Mercy Hospital while I was seeing Mr. Edward Melvin. Mr. Melvin never told me I should be getting medicines from Ms. Gwen Morrison. Ms Gwen Morrison cannot see me until February 26th long after I will need a few new prescriptions.  I am not getting any help what so ever from your staff People to resolve this circumstance. My State Representative has been called, but the { His Staff } tole me to go through the social worker who is NOT in The Consortium Office today. The Social Worker & You are said – I am tole – to be in tomorrow  --  December 19th, 2018 Wednesday. I do important work for Peace & Justice in Philadelphia that requires constructive & steady thinking. I do not want to be hospitalized for a simple prescription not being filled. My hope is that the consortium can remain & advance as a Valued mental-health provider in Philadelphia. Complaining about my service provider is not going to look good when funding cycles turn around & come due. I can help you find private sources for funding, but not if I’m in the hospital needing a simple prescription & re-evaluation.


Gratefully True,


Tracy Charles Gibson  

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Class Consciousness Italian Style

Above: A film about a rich upper class Italy woman as her struggle for left -wing political rights stairs Her right in the face when She is trapped on a beautiful deserted island with a working-class iconoclastic man who was her servant.  A servant She was not very much pleased with before their little ship gets lost on the island.  Consciousness

Dear New Citizens of Turtle Island

     I Am Mr. Tracy Charles Gibson. I am a long-time activist & organizer for fairness, equality, justice, the Rights of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals & Transgendered People, economic equality, positive Youth issues -- & Native American Rights. I Am also deeply concerned with World Peace issues, Women's Rights, Workers Rights & the Rights of marginalized People, marginalized communities and marginalized countries.

     Turtle Island is what Native American People call the United States. This is their homeland. This is an un-refuted fact. Many Native Americans have African blood & lineage & vice Versa. I know about the book & the body of research that proves Africans were in the Americas before Native American People. I know for sure Native Americans were the ones who met Columbus and the Dutch when they came here.  It was the Native Americans who taught them how to survive and till and benefit from crops and livestock. I know about the book & body of evidence stating that Africans were here before Native People, but I have yet to thoroughly study this body of work & evidence. I not only plan to, I promise I will & I promise to take that cause -- Africans as first or Native North Americans --  up with the New Native American body that truly represents North Americans with fairness, inclusion, true wealth, sharing, a stable government that is respected & honored All over the World, & true & democratic principals that stand the test of time, leave a whole & decent Planet for our children & grand children, & resolves conflicts through Reasonable, well-thought-out negotiation -- not hurtfulness.

     Neither Major Party  -- Republicans nor Democrats  -- have any real evidence of actually helping resolve permanently issues like racial discrimination, poverty, hopelessness, fairness, over taxation, education, agriculture, Pollution, gentrification, over exploitation, & a lack of fair opportunity.

     This is why I am demanding that Black People take 60 % of their tax bill & send it to the Native American Rights Fund at 1506 Boulder,  Colorado 80302 - 6296  & send a letter to the Internal Revenue Service saying we are doing this because:

$300 Million Dollars is well enough money for any one person to have control over or ownership of.

     The Following People are NOT a part of Turtle Island:

     1] Those making more than $100 Million Dollars a year with a Net Worth of over $300 Million Dollars.

     2] Those who out - N - out consider themselves racists.

     3] Those who think & feel it is OK to keep Native Americans on sparkly - populated, arid, reservations with little chance of opportunities for work, education, self-preservation, family & Tribe Pride, good nutrition, a pollution-free environment, clean air & clean water, good paying jobs, & Tribe resiliency & Tribe decency.

     4] Those who own major tax-exempt corporations who pay line workers or low-level workers less
than $21.00 an hour & have traceable or non-traceable Net Values of over $300 Million Dollars.

     5] Those who want to destroy Turtle Island for Whatever reason. They are not welcome in Turtle Island.

     6] Those whose purpose is to maintain traditional White-run Capitalism & traditional White Supremacy.
     7] Those who refuse treatment for illegal drug use, excessive alcohol abuse, spousal abuse, gambling, mental illness { knowingly & willingly reject free treatment with skilled & qualified professionals } , are openly physically hurtful to others & have not sought treatment, & those who are not at least reading books to move towards self-treatment for these & other such maladies or additions.

     8] All those who have a consistent record of hurting children, have been convicted of hurting children or a admitted, open child abuser or admitted child molester & have not been or are not willing to seek extensive, systematic treatment.

     [ All 8 of these exit rules must be gone over by & approval by the Native American Rights Fund ; American Indian Business Leaders ( AIBL ) ; American Indian College Fund (AICF ) ; American Indian Higher Education Consortium ( AIHEC ) ; American Indian Policy Center ( AIPC ) ; Association of American Indian Affairs ( AAIA ) ; Indian Country Media Network ( ICMN ) ;  National Alaska Native American Indian Nurses Association ( NANAINA ) ; National Indian Child Care Association ( NICCA ) ; and the National Indian Counsel on Aging ( NICOA ).

Friday, December 14, 2018

about the film & entertainment business and YOU

Have you ever heard the song from Rolling Stone that goes like this:

``You can’t always get what you want.

You can’t always get what you want.

But if you try sometimes, you just might find.

You get what you need.’’

These are the words from the Rolling Stones, who made hundreds of dollars touring such songs through their live act   --  Cost to cost and around the world.

Now can anyone of you great people, who follow me or who are fearful for some reason of calling me, tell me why the Rolling Stones wants us to settle for getting a few things we need instead of what we really want, which might cost a great deal more ?

Since when do they  -- the rolling stones  --  NOT GET WHAT  T-H-E-Y WANT? There is plenty of wealth to go around for everyone in this great country of ours  --  Turtle Island. Including the left out, the forgotten and the never minded, who never get anything at all, but a hard way to go and a true feeling of being exploited.

Just asking.

I don’t think very much that people of supposed wealth like the Rolling Stones want, that they don’t get.

Is anyone hearing me?

I think they get pretty much what they want AND need.  Us little people are supposed to sit around

and dream and do without.  Some of us resort to stealing things and end up going to jail and ending up sometimes effectively blocked out of the employment cycle and blocked out of the pay cycle and blocked out of the money cycle just because they wanted to have food for the table and a nice table cloth and some clothing for their children’s feet, so they stole from Kay Mart or Wall Greens.   NoT fair is it?  Tell me what you think. Call me at 1 { 215 } 823 – 9985. And leave your opinions. You can leave them anonymously or with your name and phone number or without your phone number. No harm will come to you for having an opinion.

This is why I walked out on a recent movie ``Widows’’  because I saw more ethical values in the White male criminal character who was dead at the beginning of the film than I saw in any of the Black characters through the first 45 minutes of the film. I walked out in discuss. I should have asked for my money back. Next time I will, if there is a next time.

``Hunter Killer,’’ was an excellent film with Common in it along with some other stars. It was actually a military Peace movie. Unfortunately it was gone from the theaters before I got a chance to tell my friends that it was at the movies & worth seeing.

Please look on my blog at http://thePoliticsofREAL.Blogspot.Com

To read my views on the Academy and Kevin Hart.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

to my students, an open letter to kevin hart

An Open Letter To Kevin Hart:

     Dear Kevin: You didn’t have to apologize for any remarks about Gay and Lesbian People, just like I should NOT have to apologize about anything I ever said about nasty, lazy White Corporate executives who make millions off the backs of BLACK workers making $7.05 an hour {Believe me I was one a few months ago } and then the executives make like $25,000,000.00 a year and they wonder why their companies just ain’t working right and have no ethical backbone to lead our New World. Those executives should only be making about $900,000.00 a year, not twenty-five million dollars a year.  And the workers need to be making a living wage f at least $25.00 an hour. Thank you Bernie Sanders!

     Kevin, you have an opinion about the Gay community.  What you said I would not have said, but I defend your rights to say things like that as a comic and as a public citizen of the United States or Turtle Island, which ever NATION you prefer to be part of.  

     What you said was hurtful to me as a Gay person, { and as your GOD }, but you also recently said you were evolving. As your GOD, I can’t really ask for anything much more than that.  { Well, you can write me a check for my youth program and for the evolution of my corporation, if you want, but I cannot make any promises for any givebacks to you unless we make an agreement on some things.  It has to be totally above board, ethical & legal for me, a fellow Philadelphian. I know for sure, that you would want the same for yourself as well.}.

     I think the recent movie you did ``Night School’’  was pretty good for teaching our Black youth especially to stay in school and try over and over again to get that certificate or degree because not having it might follow you for the rest of your life.  This is commendable.

     But more important, how dare the Motion Picture academy dismiss someone for making allegedly anti-Gay remarks, when I know for a fact that some of the behaviors of Gay people AND straight people are way outside the bounds of anything decent or GODly.  I personally think Gay people were brought here to earth to slow the rate of population increase, and help us all – especially White males – How to LOVe and tolerate other types of people besides  those who act and think and behave like we would like them to. 

     Moses was a murder and even Jesus had a fit of anger at the money-changers.  No one is perfect because perfection is fleeting and is different for each and every human being.  Not everyone believes in GOD. Does that make GOD imperfect?  The Awakening of Black people will bring GOD back to us in just the formation that the universe wants.  

     I have written articles critical about Black Gay & Black Lesbian people because I see all the parties at the hotels during Black Gay Pride, but I don’t see any of the hotels owned by Black Gay & Black Lesbian people.  I also don’t see as many serious workshops at the Black Gay Pride events and I need to see more seriousness about sexual interplay and the use of condoms.  Sex is a holy act if you have evolved properly, no matter if you are straight or Gay.  Sex is nothing for any person to be ashamed of or to hide away from their parents or their relatives. When we feel comfortable with ourselves just the Way we are, and don’t feel pressures to put on social graces or act in a certain way due to social pressures, peer pressures, etc., we move towards being a whole person.  GOD LOVes us as we move towards being a whole person, and even also as we are evolving. 

     I don’t want you, Kevin, to react with anger or resentment if you have a Gay or Lesbian child. Embrace Him or Her and don’t disown Him or Her.  We have a homeless problem in Philadelphia because Black families are literally throwing their Gay and Lesbian children out of the house.  This is NOT commendable, it is a crime against humanity.  I hope you will never do that.  

     Have you ever thought about How little difference there is between what straight people and Gay people do in their bedrooms?  This is what the haters don’t want us to realize.  Hay, wait a minute. I should be giving this brother Kevin Hart a hug, not kicking his behind.  He helped open up a discussion that needs to happen.  Thank you Kevin Hart!



The preceding letter was written by one Mr. Tracy Charles Gibson, of West Philadelphia, who is a corporate executive who lives off of about $1,200.00 a month in disability.  If you want to support him financially and learn more about His work as an activist, call Him directly at 1 { 215 } 823 – 9985 from 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. Log onto His blog at http://thePoliticsofREAL.Blogspot.Com and read the articles especially under the politics of real and under Positive Things to Think About.  Order His book at for $10.00 it is called Let the Children Gather.  One half of the profits from His book goes to His church Unity Fellowship Christ Church of Philadelphia. Their service is at 1:45 P.M. at the Arch Street United Methodist Church in the chapel at 55 North Broad Street in Philadelphia’s Center City.