
Sunday, August 26, 2012

A Letter to My Pastor.....

I was thinking about the concept of perfection after I head a lecture by you recently.  GOD only knows what He perceives of as perfection--we have no idea, really, what perfection is because we as humans are imperfect.  If GOD has selected one or a few of us for a special place in the struggle for human decency, we might not be able to see that person's perfectness or Godliness, because we only can see through human eyes.    Suffice it to say, that we all need to be working towards the betterment of the human condition--because things are really messed up right about now.  We are, as theologians, thinkers, and thespians, and poets, too caught up on semantics....  We MUST be about the work at creating a movement that can be self sustaining for future generations, building revolutionary and progressive institutions and maintaining our movement financially.  Worry about who is perfect and who is not is a misuse of time, energy and thought processes.  The underline article is on my blog: it is a message to writers, but it applies to others as well.  If you want to log into my blog you can do so by going into: Google: and inputting: Brother Tracy Gibson:  and clicking on ``The Politics of Real'' Look under there and read ``The Powerful Third Eye'' and ``The Knowledge Hut Business Plan''

By the way: I don't think I am any smarter than you or that I can't receive correction and instruction.  I enjoy the banter and back and forth with you and I hope I have NOT been too brass or to bold with my observations, comments and opinions....  I think you are a great leader for our community; a great thinker; extremely articulate; a fantastic role model; and a kind, loving a decent human being.  I also think you are a humanitarian and I think that is a great complement and a great thing to be called.  I am NOT just sucking up or patting you on the back.  I am deeply appreciative for your being with the church--my church--our church.  And I very, very deeply love all members of the church--especially the ones who are NOT PERFECT like I'm not.  When I said I am GOD in one of the articles I wrote, I have to admit that I feel I have been chosen, tested and tried for the things I have done...  I will continue on the path I am on and I will continue to advocate for our people, the oppressed and the exploited.  I DO think in terms of being a victim, and that is something I am working very hard to correct.  I have, as you know, been in therapy for over 35 years.... It has not been an easy struggle. NOW I want to flourish, grow and get things working for now and for the future.  I will need your help and the help of the entire church.  I don't want to be or be perceived as a threat, an outsider or an agitator.  I want to help the process be more freeing, more revolutionary and more about our eventual liberation as a human race--not only Black people but ALL of humanity on every continent.  But especially Our African Diaspora.

GOD Bless You....

Brother Tracy Gibson.....

Post Script: I will be sending you the article: ``A Message to Writers'' in another E-mail.....


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