
Saturday, February 2, 2013

As We Repair the World in FIVE Easy YEARS!!!...

We Can Solve the World's Problems in 5 Years.....

By Brother Tracy Gibson...

The first thing that needs to happen is for the United Nations to either be abolished or become, through a democratic, real, measurable, authenticated and fair process, a REAL and ACTUAL international body with a REAL and ACTUAL process through which to REALLY represent the people and countries of the world--not just a body through which the OVERPOWERED Security Council unduly manipulates almost every action and proposal that is either put forth or proposed by the United Nations. What has happened, as far as I know--and this needs to be debated widely in the media--smaller non-allied countries like North Korea, Cuba, Iran and Venezuela need to have their issues aired and fully considered and not BLOCKED and hidden under the rug like they have been over the last 66 years. Whatever proposals that are put forth by the small independent countries need to be fully considered just like larger countries have their proposals considered.

[By the way the Security Council consists of the United States, Russia and China. Their powers in the United Nations have always--as far as I know--overpowered many of the concerns and issues of smaller Nations due to the Security COuncil's veto power.  Because of their veto power, these SUPER POWERS have been able to unfairly throw their weight around.]
The next thing is to do away with international corporate control over every policy that effects wages, who gets paid, [and how much] and the hoarding and manipulation of money and the power and influence that comes along with money, [especially in large amounts...] This can be done through a process of limiting profits for corporations and limiting exploitation by having international standards for wages and international standards for factory construction and maintenance standards for factories that include concerns for the environment as Well as decent, acceptable international safety, comfort and environmental standards. ALL new and existing factories must maintain measurable maintenance and sustainability standards that can be properly managed and evaluated through a proper and standaridzed system. Will people be safe in the work place, and ultimately, Will they be able to, through some, again, legal, consistent and measurable procedure, be able to begin a process to create more community control over the means of production. This is crucial.

The next important thing is to make it so an international body of taxers, controlled through this refurbished United Nations or the other body that replaces them, can actually confiscate the money from ANY and ALL rich people who have more than $350 Million Dollars in the bank or any such traceable or untraceable assetts of more than $350 Million Dollars. This confiscated or 80 % taxed money Will be used to provide money for services, proper and decent food, proper and decent housing, proper, on-going and consistent up-keep of government buildings at all levels [local, state, and federal], proper and decent up-keep of the worlds' roads and bridges, and proper and decent health care for ALL the world's people. There is NO WAY these so-called job creators [the rich] need any more than $350 Million Dollars to move forward with the work they continue to do, so why do they need it? Most of their work and most of the mental work and the mentality behind what they are doing and planning is anti-human, anti-people and against the stabilization of the planet and the environment anyway. [There are some exceptions.] The work of most of the rich is also unsustainable in this new era of finding Ways of maintaining stability and creating sustainability. {I should point out that I think the good work of the humanitarian, the humanist, the lover of mankind and woman kind, the Progressive activists, the Civil Rights workers, the Human Rights Workers and others fighting for the liberation of the planet's people and resources--such as those also fighting for Gay and Lesbian Rights--and the people who want to create opportunities and freedom for the entire world is done by people of ALL colors. There may well be cultural and racial motivations, many innate and many learned, that help make some races and cultures act in certain ways either for or against the decent sustainability of our world. Many of these racial and cultural differences and motivations concerning this decency issue are explained by such authors as Temple University's Professor Molefi Kete Asante [President of the Molefi Kete Asante Institute for Afrocentric Studies] and other researchers, writers and authors such as Brother Tony MonteRo also of Temple University; and author, writer, journalist Brother Lynn Washington. a Professor at Temple University and a columnist at the Philadelphia Tribune]. The money I'm talking about ultimately belongs to the people--not the rich, so-called employers who ``make'' the money in the first place. The rich wouldn't have a dime if they didn't have workers from whom to exploit labor. There MUST be a controllable and verifiable Way to maintain, control and share this wealth. Any leadership MUST be constantly tested and judged and must be rotating in the process through which they serve the World to distribute this money. These funds will NOT only go to Black, Latins and other people of color, but Whites also who have been poor for a long time, for generations, or who are just down on their luck right now. [Especially poor Whites who have a long history of social and political activism and invlovement in restoring peace and freedom through non-violent social action]. There is enough wealth to take care of the entire world's people if we can ALL learn to share, open our hearts and minds to postive, progressive change and help our fellow Man and woman. ANd GOD, please don't ever let us forget to help our children each and every one of them, LORD!!!

I WIll Start Editing HERE the next time I get to the Library: Today is February 19th, 2013....

I hate to talk about race, but really there is no way to get around it. My Mother used to say, ``It is there genes against our genes.'' [She wasn't talking about pants either!!] I am a Black Gay man and many of the world's best, brightest and most courageous and intelligent thinkers are Black People. But we have had our views and our voices shut down, smothered, and usurped generation after generation.. This HAS to STOP and we have to use any means necessary, short of violence, in my opinion, to bring this great new earth about !!. It is time that these voices were heard and heard loudly and clearly and it is time that We were allowed to serve the public and welcomed properly into the World Community. We should be accepted if we are men, women, children, Gay or Lesbian, Transgendered or even bisexual. No matter what color we are and no matter what religion We are, no matter what race We are or what station or income level we come from in life.

Beginning these processes Will have a dramatically positive impact on creating more liberty, democracy, freedom, equality, Racial Justice and happiness throughout the world, but as the world's people we must be ever vigilant to keep the process open, clearly defined and available to the masses. Corruption, greed, mismanagement and ignorance MUST be rooted out at every chance and at every level We can. There must also be made every effort to end profiteering in the creation of war at every chance and opportunity we have. It is ALL about acting responsibly and with integrity...

This article is still being written and edited as of Wednesday, January 28th, 2013. 12:25 A.M.
It was updated on January 19th, 2013, at 7:21 A.M. Saturday
Copyright warnings and infringements from ``It's Your Biz,'' By Susan Wilson Solovic, with Ellen R. Kadin and a forward by Edie Weiner. Page 150...

``Because I write many columns and blog posts for a variety of companies and media organizations, I use search-engine tools to alert me if anyone is picking up and using my material. Some people have literally copied my writing and presented it as their own, even though this is an obvious copyright infringement. There are both civil and criminal penalties for copyright violations, and the severity of the penalties depends on the situation.''

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