
Thursday, April 11, 2013

what did i do.....

March 23rd, 2013 [Saturday]

From Brother Tracy Gibson, Founder, President and CEO OF: Brother Tracy Gibson and Associates, Inc. [Parent Company; Incorporated in December of 2006].

As An Activist: I Have Over the Last Three Weeks!

1: Posted The Gibson Principles for The Progressive Development of Africa on Facebook.

2: Wrote About 10 movie Reviews of Old and New Films and sent them to Loyal Friends and Associates. [This is to help readers differentiate good movies from bad and help with their own more in-depth, critical analysis of film.

3: Visited The Academy of Natural Sciences at 19th and The Parkway for Article Research, education and inspiration...

4: Wrote several articles to help move our people forward by opening minds and informing people on several social, economic and political issues. These issues include [but are not limited to]: anti-gun violence legislation; eating correctly for proper nutrition and health; The Rights of Black Gays and Black Lesbians; Job Creation for the Black Community; The Rights of Black Youth and Black Children; The Rights of Black Women; and how to stabilize the Black family socially and economically through doable means, even if you are poor or disenfranchised or down trodden….

5: Sent Two Publishing Agents detailed letters about the two books I am Publishing soon.

6: Wrote a Special formal Open Letter to U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer [From California] to have Her and other Progressive Senate members advocate for a Black Woman on the Supreme Court. Sent that letter to the U.S. Attorney General. [Recently added the name of Sitting Congress Woman Barbara Lee—from California-- as the First Black Woman on the Supreme Court.]

7: I have sent A Letter to the Mayor of Philadelphia’s Chief of Staff, Attorney Everett Gillison, about Our Security Team and how we can keep costs down while creating as many new jobs as possible in the Black community of Philadelphia.

8: Sent Several Promotions out about the BLACK MILLIONAIRE’S NETWORK, which was devised three years ago to help put as many Black people as possible on sure financial footing through work on increasing credit ratings; supporting Neighborhood, regional and National Black Businesses; creating local networks of friends and Associates to support one another [through reading books on related subjects, sending positive e-mails, planning group discussions and seminars, etc.]; preparing to purchase homes for living in and for investment; and putting members in touch with professional Black financial people who can help in a multitude of Ways…. We are also planning a newsletter ``Truth Be Told’’… To be published soon…

9: Sent Several Promotions and accesses out for my log [which is: http://ThePoliticsofReal.Blogspot.Com.] [Presently I have had over 7,400 visitors to my Blog over the last two years, according to Google. There are over 315 articles on pertinent subjects [mostly political and economic] and many relevant ads on My Blog.]

10: We Donated $10 to Emily’s List to help more Sensitive, Progressive Democratic Women get elected to both Houses of Congress and Governorships; [We have advocated that Emily’s List themselves be more inclusive and forthcoming of Black Women candidates in their selection of what candidates to support for public office..

11: We Wrote a Letter to The Barnes Foundation of Philadelphia and Attorney Michael Coard’s ATAC [Avenging the Ancestor’s Coalition] to help spark more truth and knowledge about The Barnes Foundation. This was to help establish the truth about their History and generate more honest and authentic support for them from the Black community instead of on-going resentment and misinformation coming from the community right now.

12] Updated my Personal and Business goals for the next 24 months.

13] I wrote a letter to the Mayor Of Philadelphia, Mayor Michael Nutter, asking that His Honor look into why there aren’t more open artistically enriching events in Our Fair City from the Chinese and Asian Communities. More people want to understand these communities instead of just feel exploited by them economically.

14] I attend church regularly and effectively network with Black churches...

15] We have continued boycotting McDonalds with the MOVE Organization [A Progress report has been filed with Pam Africa and Ramona Africa on Wednesday, March 6th, 2013.]

16] Wrote an important article on Non-violence to begin to put the finishing touches on my book: ``Writing in Wet Cement.’’

17] Sent the letter I wrote to Disney Studio’s about generating support from the Nation’s major studios to have Black and Latin men and women sell videos legitimately provided by the studios, in the communities. This would cut back on boot-leg video sales and provide legitimate jobs for Black and Latin men and women.

18] Sent [and will re-send a more current letter] to Our Nation’s oil companies to have them hire Black and Latin youth over the summer months who can work at the companies such as BP, Exxon/Mobile, Getty, Texaco, Citgo, etc., as cleaning people, car repair people, and at the gas pump. These jobs are to be provided by private industry and NOT just be minor, minimum wage jobs, but positions where the youth can learn management skills, how to think positively, take on responsibility and treat people with respect. There MUST be orientation and lectures throughout the summer to go along with the jobs to be provided by such groups as the Urban league, OIC, etc. [Such jobs MUST also be provided in mostly White areas of the country if they are also low-income or impoverished and in upper-income and middle income areas if the companies so desire. The goal is to help find viable jobs for our young people of legal working age and all races to help stem crime and give young people something constructive to do besides make trouble and get into mischief.

19] Sent a Letter and a report on 3-21-2013 to Congressman Chaka Fattah about how to systematically improve the Prison –Industrial Complex through separation of inmates based on behavior patterns; and about how best to examine and take action on lowering rates in Federal prisons for hiv.

20] Wrote a letter on 3-21-2013 to Food and Drug Administration about instability of clearly defined and detectable levels of sodium in certain spaghetti sauce [apparently McCutcheon’s bottled marinara sauce, as mentioned in a March 2013 issue of Cooking Light Magazine fluctuates in the level of sodium in the same sauce over time. ] There is no government program to randomly audit such sauces to determine if sodium levels are stable in ALL batches. I also asked if any given company could target higher levels of sodium in certain batches for certain ethnic neighborhoods for whatever reason.

21] I wrote a letter to Mayor Michael Nutter of Philadelphia around 13th of March, 2013 to ask why there aren’t more culturally rich experiences in Philadelphia centered on Asian culture: dance, Music, Theater, Film—that are open to the general public. [There is an abundance of Asian Restaurants, especially in China Town and in Black Communities, but few other types of artistic experiences.]

22] I decided to join the Asian Chamber of Commerce of Philadelphia as a support and sharing mechanism as soon as I’m financially able.

23] I sent an e-mail to cousin Iola Harper about Her joining a Corporate Board of Director’s after I attended a press Conference in City Hall hosted by Council Woman Blondell Reynolds Brown [and attended by Jannie Blackwell and other important and award-winning business women] that concerned itself with just that issue. [I am scheduled to write up an article about the event for my corporations.].

24] I attended a demonstration on the 14th of March, 2013 to speak out for the City Union District Council 33, getting a new contract with the city who has been criticized for not agreeing in good faith to a new contract. I officially testified for a measure in City Council for more sick leave and supported the Union.

25] Wrote some new poems and articles

26] I could NOT find the letter I wrote to the Jamaican Government about working with them on improving their relations with the international Gay and Lesbian Community and how, through that process, to raise their level or tourism. [I wanted to send President Obama a copy.]

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