
Thursday, August 14, 2014

no more castigation around what some people think of as SIN, Forgive your self and ask GOD to help you do your best!

Why We Don’t Need the Strict Concept of Sin…..

The concept of sin is ole fashioned and out moated.  If we have a strong idea of who GOD is and are true Christians or True Muslims we don’t need to feel the Master’s Whip concerning the concept of sin coming down on us every five minutes with the ``you should not do’s.’’ 

We know not to rob, steal and murder.  These things are against God’s Law and in the Bible.  But I’m here to tell you that we need to follow New Holy Laws and New Holy Ways.  Now when you have to decide who to listen to in listening to what these New Holy Laws and New Holy Ways are, that is when things get tricky and we fall back on the Bible or Koran and say ``This is the Law.’’ But those books were written many, many years ago and we have to honestly ask if they hold real and total relevance for today.  It is NOT sack religious to ask such questions.  When GOD created us He did so knowing we would have a mind and grow and develop and ask questions.  HE doesn’t want, I believe, He doesn’t want us to be just obedient and quiet.  He wants us to ask questions, ponder new answers that move ourselves and humanity ahead and still be faithful and decent people… matter what religion we are or if we are not religious at all.  I really don’t think this is Rocket Science. What do you think?

The Bible was used to enslave us, as Africans, in the past [find Biblical quote, ask Will or Minister Brian].  Anyone can justify just about anything by using Biblical Scripture.  Certainly the Bible is also used for very, very good purposes as well.  It was also used to tell us that slavery was immoral and wrong, for example [find Bible Quotes from Minister Brian and Will]. . Like I said, you can justify just about anything using Biblical scriptures. Man has twisted things around and manipulated and misinterpreted the Words of GOD.  We, as humans and Pastors and men and women of GOD have interjected New words to twist morality around to our own liking.  That is NOT what I’m working on or trying to do here.  I think keeping the Bible as a source of inspiration and a guiding post will almost assuredly be a fact of life for thousands of Black people until the end of time.

I don’t think I’m ``getting it Twisted’’ by asking you to think of sin—the concept of sin—as oppressive and out moated.  We go to church sometimes [I can’t say for Mosque or Synagogue because I don’t go to these places with any consistency because I am not a Muslim or a Jewish Person.  If you are in fact a Muslim just for believing in Peace and being Peaceful than I guess I am a Muslim in that sense, but I don’t pray five times a day and go to Mosque. I stay in prayer 24 hours a day and attend church almost every week.], we go to church and feel the hot breath of the Pastors on our neck preaching what we should not do and what we must do to please GOD.  But if we have a centered life and believe strongly in GOD we come out even better.  I’m convinced that humans have a real capacity to LOVe, grow, be fair, be understanding, not be judgmental, be kind, not be violent, control our lustful behaviors [ a problem I have to work on personally], and share our money to lift up the poor and down trodden...  If we are ALL these things we are walking in GOD’s path and GOD is both behind us, in front of us and in us.  GOD is with us… I’m not saying we can do no wrong, but it is much harder to be corrupted when you walk thusly WITH GOD and think positively!!!

We can read the Bible and the Koran and still walk such a GODLY path.  But I’m trying to put some of the more oppressive ministers and Pastors out of business if they think talking about sin is not in itself a hurtful, vile and evil thing—if taken to the extreme….  Yes there is sin and we should stay away from most of it.  But GOD May have some new ideas that need to be aired and looked at, pondered, considered and analyzed… .   ..

I’m going to deal with something here that is magnificently controversial.  That is homosexuality.  I am a homosexual.  I have come to the decision that these are the years of the homosexual and with good reason.  It has to do not just with changing morals and ethics.  It has to do with numbers. Population numbers. I have to interject the actual numbers here [and I will at a later date], but do you have any idea of how this ole earth is going to survive and we are going to feed and house ALL the people who will be on the earth for another 100 or 200 years? I’m not just talking about rich White people, I’m talking about everybody on the Earth—especially good and decent people. We are having a population explosion.  There are about seven billion people on the planet right now in September of 2013…..  In 20 years that number could double [do the research].  We are ALL, as humans, going to have to put our heads together and stop ALL this racial, religious, ethnic, sexual, philosophical and sexually orientated divides and find solutions quickly if our Earth is to survive and if ALL of humanity is to get good, healthy, decent food, clean fresh water, opportunity and decent places to live.  I am NOT sure that Capitalism, as we know it, can survive this new world because giving power to just a few people has not worked since it was started. [It may be working for rich White males, but in actuality, even they are finding themselves out of the loop of decency as they clutch onto power and wealth that really is not theirs]. There are just far, far too many people left with nothing, scraping the bottoms of trash cans and not having work, a decent place to live and decent food and clean water.  I’m NOT only talking about Black People, but poor Whites, poor Latin people and poor people of every race, religion and ethnicity. [I must add here that although we are told ALL Jewish People are rich, this is not bore out as truth. I know for a fact that there are poor Jewish People and I also know for a fact that some poor Jewish People are also very giving, funny and kind and want the best for the world. If they are Zionist, they need to take a fresh look at that also. [But that is for another article or position paper.] The corporate structure, as we know it, is not working for the masses. The vast majority of people have few opportunities for real and lasting advancement with the system the way it is.  We know it, but getting a handle on how to turn the means of production over to the people—at least about 70 % of the means of production over to the People--often gets corrupted and often seems unattainable.  We need to work methodically—every day--and carefully with selected boycotts; letter writing campaigns; building a new infrastructure; alternative activism and alternative advocacy; New Thinking; finding Ways to bake new revolutionary pies [see related article]; and open our thinking and our minds to the positive change we say we want. I think We are Willing to work for these things.  We just need some knowledge and direction…  

With the population at about 16% homosexuals we have less children coming into the world.  Do you think that maybe GOD knows what He is doing? We continually question and criticize what is happening in the world and leave no room for the Master’s Wisdom to be interpreted properly. We say ``things are not perfect and people are not perfect’’ but we, as humans, have very little idea of what perfect would look like in the eyes of GOD so our saying things are ``not perfect’’ is speaking from a very, very limited and even foolish point of view.  Especially if we know for sure that GOD has real control of all this here on earth which we often think of and consider ``madness.’’ Everybody wants to jump in with an opinion, and that is our right [it won’t be our right soon unless we repeal the Patriot Act I and the Patriot Act II and any other laws on the books that are curbing our basic Civil Liberties and Civil Rights and Human Rights as humans on Earth and as North Americans.], but back your opinions up with good solid research—not just your views.

We can start by taking the concept of sin our Pastors are talking about and saying we don’t need it, we can curb our enthusiasm for sin ourselves.

I have a strong suggestion for Pastors who are so worried about who is sleeping with who, which is really more of a personal choice anyway.  Why not worry about equality for the oppressed?  When was, I ask them, when was the last time you did anything to make sure that there are Black store owners in your neighborhood who have fully-stocked stores and plenty of Black employees? Do you see Black people owning any of the sky-scrapers Down Town in Philadelphi? No!!!  This is just a brief example of the kind and character of oppression we suffer under this ``White run’’ system of oppression we ALL live under in North America and have come to accept. Do we question? Do We work towards positive change? The inequality is ALL around us.  We often hear talk of a BLack Gay community.  Where is this community? How many shops and stores are owned by BLack Gay people, if we really have such a community?  There are plenty of stores owned by Gay people in Center City, but Black Gay and Black Lesbian People own very little.  What is our government doing to address this inequality?  When was the last time you heard a Pastor say ``We should have more businesses owned by BLack People and more businesses owned by Black Gay and Black Lesbian People!!. Here is what I’m going to do about it.’’  Have they enlisted the help of their parishioners on this issue? No, they are too worried about who is sleeping with who and who is living in sin. This is folly and a distraction from what we should really be working on—the economic freedom and financial reconstruction of our Black communities and our Black people….  They never say that they want to help Black Businesses and Caribbean businesses and African businesses get a financial foothold in our not-so-fair country. . . Yet there are hundreds of quotes in the Bible that address inequality and helping the poor.  When one considers this, it is obvious to see that the Pastors and Reverends are the ones who have strayed away from GOD’s words, not the people who question them…..

 Are Gay people really sinners or are they just taking on behaviors that GOD wants because to have more homosexual behavior—in a reasonable, moderate Way with limited partners and an air of decency--is to automatically cut back on the population growth and may actually help prolong the life of our precious planet Earth. I don’t see another Earth anywhere to move to, which would be the chicken- hearted thing to do anyway.  We need to fix the Earth that GOD gave us.  We messed it up with racism, pollution, blatant Capitalist Exploitation and hatred. We can improve on it drastically—especially when we realize that the future of our planet hangs in the balance.  Accepting homosexuals and looking at them as an asset instead of a detriment is a start. Working towards healing, Peace, LOVe and equality is a start. Maybe the talk of ``sin’’ can be put aside until we deal with equality first. That’s the magnificent controversial statement I’m talking about.  As long as Gay people start to marry and raise a few of the children that straight people are having and don’t want [look at the numbers of children in foster care and adoption centers who are not being cared for properly in the U.S. for example.]. And as long as we practice safe sex and don’t go chasing after other people’s lovers, husbands and wives, I think it is fine to be a homosexual.  We also MUST never take up the idea or the practice of corrupting or sleeping with young people below the age of 21 [I say 25 for myself, which even that is rather young.] And we must never use money for sexual favors. [Another personal thing I have violated, but have made a promise to myself and GOD that I will do better at keeping within the bounds of in the future.]  But having the idea that, for the Earth, homosexuality may actually be a planet-saving device, is an idea that won’t pass muster with the established church very soon—even when I crunch the numbers and prove my point. It could take another 500 years of education and advocacy to even scratch this surface and that is why I ask homosexuals to attend churches that are friendly to their own people [and take your money with you] and to live within the bounds of behavior that are more moderate and acceptable.  Having wild sex parties where no condoms are used in the year 2013 should be not so much considered a sin as it MUST be considered not a smart thing to do and not a wise or GODLY thing to do. That goes for Straight People and Gay People alike.   It is just that simple. Homosexuals are very capable of abiding by rules and living decent lives within certain bounds….  I used to have parties at my home on Sansom Street and in New Castle, Delaware and there was never once a wide sex party involved.  We may have even looked at pornography and talked about sexuality, religion, ethics and morality and homosexuality and there was, once or twice, even a straight person invited who attended, and we ALL acted like decent humans and really had a good time.  The strict religious fundamentalist, be they Muslim or Christian, are ole hat and not working for many of our youth, nor for the rest of us.  Things are changing.  It is important to read the Bible if you are Christian and the Koran, if you are Muslim. But don’t go around beating yourself up or anyone else if you or they don’t adhere to every line and measure in those books.   My concept of GOD is that He is rather cool tempered, humorous, good natured, happy and respectful or other people’s basic rights and desires. He doesn’t want to see things get out of hand, but is very forgiving. That is in the Bible also.  GOD gave us the hormones we have and He wants us to have sex, and I mean often—not just for procreation between men and women.  Why else would we have such hormones? That doesn’t give us an excuse to run havoc over an entire city and rape or have sex with three different men or three different women a week or not use protection—no matter if we are Straight or Gay.  Acting sensibly is perfectly in the realm of GOD’s wishes. It is wise.  I think this is true. And I also think we should not harshly judge ourselves or others too much on this matter.  The core belief and hope is to be REALLY honest with yourself and not lie to yourself if you are having an affair that needs to end or if you are being physically abusive to your spouse, children or loved ones. Harsh judgments are not called for when there is so much work to do to build a Black Nation—internationally….. [We need ALL Black People working on this.]. Take those judgments to GOD in prayer or to your Pastor or Imam and they will work out for a good and positive result. Reasonableness and true GODLYNESS are always contagious, but in a positive Way…

Friday, August 8, 2014

Mr. Tracy Gibson's Resume ( Still needs some updating )

Tracy Gibson

I AM-- Mr. Tracy Gibson - Consultant - Businessman - Educator - Writer - Visionary - Organizer - Fund Raiser , Child and Youth Advocate, International Progressive Activist, Peace Activist; Philanthropist ; 670 North 41st Street; Apartment & Office B Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-5202; Phone: 1.215.823 - 9985 ; E-Mail Address: KOKAYIJESUS333@GMail.COM or BrotherTracy11atGMail.Com. My African Name is Kokayi. My Full Legal name is Mr. Tracy Charles Gibson.


Make my business profitable and expand; and / or find suitable work as a staff diversity consultant; or a staff consultant for community outreach, youth issues and services; work on Peace, Education and Prosperity issues for the poor and left out; fund raising; writing; and / or Public Relations and / or Promotional Work...


Brother Tracy Gibson & Associates, Incorporated; April of 2002 to the Present. ( actual incorporation date is December 18, 2016. Before that time and after my tenure at TV Guide magazine, I was doing vital research and working as a temporary worker. [ I also helped formulate five Subsidiaries] Planning, researching, reconstructing and building my businesses and developing and implementing policy for our parent company [Brother Tracy Gibson & Associates, Incorporated ]--a growing Public Relations, Research, BLACK Community Relations, Grass-Roots Advocacy and Education firm dedicated to and specializing in developing survival tactics for people of color [especially disenfranchised Black People and other economically disadvantaged groups of people so such groups can flourish into the future. I have been filing the proper papers with local, state and federal agencies to continue to carry on in a legal and legitimate fashion; I have placed advertising to expand and stabilize profitability and generate and expand on our client base; bring our Wed Page back on line []; I am advocating for progressive causes such as: good, solid community based schools; proper funding of effective Charter Schools; Health issues for Black men; proper funding for the City of Philadelphia’s troubled programs; more people of color in leadership positions at the Free Library of Philadelphia; Health issues effecting the City of Philadelphia’s Pharmacies; Better roles in film for people of color; and summer jobs for Black youth.  


I presently have a Blog Entitled: ``The Politics of Real'' which can be accessed by clicking onto: [This blog is up-dated every week, if not more frequently. ]I have also written for several other publications including: ``Truth Be Told Newsletter,’’ ``The Black Star,'' ``The Leon Williams Journal'' ``The Walnut Hill Community Association's Newsletter,'' [I served as the editor for One year]; ``SBC Magazine''; ``Au Courant Newspaper''; and or ``Male Box Magazine.'' From March of 2001. Some of these publications are no longer being circulated and or are out of print, but may be coming back into circulation in the near future. Presently only writing for my own blog [I also have a film criticism blog entitled: http://amatterofmovies.ReviewsbyBrotherTracyGibson.  and ``Truth Be Told Newsletter’’—that I know of--among these publications... [I Am also Writing, Editing or seeking publishers for several books].


Careers USA: 18th and JFK Boulevard Philadelphia, Pennsylvania--Edited law briefs and other legal documents such as wills.  I also: Provided registration materials for Doctors attending a National Cancer Conference; and did clerical work in a psychiatrist's office. I also served as a male receptionist for the Jewish Federation--1995 to 2001.

TV Guide Magazine: Manhattan, New York; and Radnor, Pennsylvania. Wrote and Edited TV listings and program evaluations as I became literate on a new and innovative computer system. January 1981 through November 1995.


As part of My life-Long Business Experiences I served as a cashier for various Department Stores including: Staples, Macy's, Gimbels and Sears.. I also started my work career by working at McDonald's in West Philadelphia [40th and Walnut Street] when I was 16; and also worked at McDonald's temporarily, part time [for about a year] to help pay for college expenses during my years at The Ohio State University [ September 1974 to August 1978] in Columbus, Ohio...


I enjoyed a significant honor in helping care for my elderly Mother, Mrs. Jessie M. Gibson, before she left this place of existence on June 5th, 2006. It took a great deal of coordination, work, dedication, Love, endurance, and--most of all--courage to interact positively with a sometimes hostile Health Care System on behalf of my aging Mother. I learned a great deal through this process. My Mother was a fantastic lady who believed strongly in education and motivating Black students to do their best and helping the less fortunate [traits I have taken up through my corporation]. My Mother taught me many life lessons, including NOT to hold grudges against people, and to Love people even when they are wrong or have different ideas and opinions than I do. I also learned that to be human is to honor human beings, no matter what color they are or what religion they are. Recently I helped tend to my Father's Health Care needs [ Mr. Charles Saint Clair Gibson ] who was 85 when he passed away while on Hospice Care at home on July 10th, 2012. Dad helped me to care about people's basic needs while still being frugal and responsible. He was a dedicated and concerned Landlord for most of his life. Neither of my [parents are really dead, because they live through me and my sibling Mrs. Claudia Aziza Gibson Hunter and Her children and grandchild.


* In October of 2013 I attended two, two week workshops at the Wharton Business School, at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. These workshops were free and open to the community and some 350 people attended. One for Personal Finance and one for Entrepreneurship. I received certificates for completing each program.   

* On May 31, 2012, I completed the Business Plan Development Program--a ten-Week course--at Temple University's Small Business Development Center at 1510 Cecil B. Moore Avenue, Suite 200, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19121. My instructor was Ms. Cynthia Moultrie. ``The Knowledge Hut Business Plan’’ can be found on my Blog.

* I also attended the Delaware Money School to learn more about personal finance, thrift and budgeting from January 2008 to August 2010.

* I took continuing Studies Classes at the Pan African Studies Community Education Program [PASEP] at Temple University where I studied: personal finance and budgeting; Civil Liberties Law; housing rehabilitation [I was a Landlord for 25 years]; alternative music industry analysis and progressive rap music indium's with Attorney Michal Coard; the advantages of the vegetarian lifestyle and vegetarian cooking. At Temple University's Center City office I took Business Management. I also enjoyed classes in and essay writing and basic writing at Community College to brush up on my writing skills. January 2002 through May 2014 [not continuously]. [I plan to attend Temple’s PASEP in September of 2014 or The University of the Arts in May of 2014...]

*Graduate School -- Temple University--13th and Berks—Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. September 1980 through January 1982. Studied communications, script writing and journalism after being awarded a scholarship from the Scripps-Howard Foundation in 1981. I have NOT received my Master's Degree at this point.

*The Ohio State University, Columbus Ohio September 1974 through August 1978. Received a B.A. in Journalism and Public Relations with a Minor in Black Studies. While at Ohio State I wrote for the alternative Black newspaper, The Our Chocking Times and received a commendation from the Ohio State Association of Black Journalists. I also wrote for the school’s daily, the Lantern for class credit.


I have served as a Leading Member and an officer of a Same Gender Loving Black men’s organization—ADODI-- a support group for several years. I helped chair meetings; facilitate meetings; develop meeting topics; and host meetings in my home for over seven years. I also helped found Adodi Philadelphia Inc., and was a leading core member for this support group and support system for Same Gender Loving Black Men. Adodi has since evolved into a National Organization that holds a National Retreat each year at different locations. They also hold different constructive meetings and workshops during the year in various parts of the United States.

Served as a Block Captain for the 4600 Block of Sansom Street for seven years when I lived on that block. In elementary school [Lea Elementary School at 47th and Walnut Street, in West Philadelphia] I served as a Crossing Guard and a Hall Monitor. [I have always been concerned about people’s safety, well-being and health.]

I am presently slowly implementing a youth employment and empowerment program for my corporation in the neighborhood in which I live and am seeking grant money and investors to help with the financing and implementation of this program.

I received a Community Service Award from Men of All Colors Together of Philadelphia in April of 2005.

I ran unsuccessfully as a write-in candidate for the U.S. Senate from Pennsylvania in 2005.

I served on the Board of Directors of The African American Freedom and Reconstruction League for one year [The League was constructed as a result of the positive energy that materialized from the Million Man March in October of 1996]. They develop strategies to advocate for the Black community's inclusion in getting our fair share of the Economic Pie in America through creating community initiatives that generate support for the community itself. The League also holds an annual luncheon to respectfully recognize the work our elders are doing to uphold the community and the community’s positive values and various self-supporting economic initiatives.

I also served on the Board of Friends of Somafco for seven years [Friends of Somafco delivers support services such as educational assistance; and food for the temporarily disenfranchised [especially children] in South Africa through Rosie's Kitchen a soup kitchen in that African Nation.]Friends of Somafco once ran a school in South Africa while I was on the Board of Directors.


I traveled to Cuba, South Africa, Canada, Porto Rico and various points within the United States such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, Wash D.C., Denver, Colorado, and Aspen, Colorado; Columbus, Dayton and Cleveland, Ohio; Miami, Florida; and New York City [mostly Manhattan and Brooklyn] in my continuing journey to learn and grow as a valued and gifted individual.


* I am available to speak on a number of topics. Please call about availability and topic.

* I gave a full report to the public at Philadelphia's Paul Robeson House after my trip to South Africa where I attend the World Conference Against Racism in August of 2001.

* I presented a Major Academic Speaker to the Public concerning the latest upheaval in Haiti after the fall of that Nation's dictator, Baby Doc Duvalye.

Possible Speaking Topics: 1) Why Black America Will soon come around to Supporting Gay and Lesbian Marriage; 2) A Healthy Environment; 3) Working--Or NOT--in North America’s Political System; 4) Homophobia in the Black Community and How and When to Stand Up To It; 5) Turning The United States of America into The United States of Native America { or Turtle Island, as the Native Americans call all of North America, South America and Central America}. We Must work towards this goal of equality and fairness towards the Native People and ALL thinking, Loving and Kind people of the world


We are expecting to publish five books by Early February of 2014. The first book is a book of poetry that is derived from the anger and frustration many Black men righteously feel about being left out of the economic development and financial advancement taking place for a ``select few'' in our country instead of ALL the people. The book of poetry is entitled: ``Let the Children Gather'' and features several original poems written by Tracy Gibson. We are hoping they will also spark interests among Black youth, both male and female, to go forward and read more books that are of great value and significance for us as Black and sometimes oppressed people. The second book is entitled: ``Advice for Black Youth,'' This book is dedicated to the forward motion of Black youth especially by offering them many suggestions to make life easier ands more fruitful and safe.  We hope our books will help our youth be of greater value and an asset to our community instead of a detriment.


I have a deep concern for the community in which I live and I want to see people of ALL races who have been left out of the financial process become included in the process towards positive development, a clean environment, sustainability and economic and social equality, justice, freedom and democracy. I have written literally hundreds of letters to Civic Leaders, Community Leaders, Political Leaders, entertainers, business People, clergy, government officials, and so forth, in an effort to promote the issues of youth and adults throughout the world [but especially in the Philadelphia area]; the left out and the economically disenfranchised; and those who might not be able to advocate for themselves. Groups I have advocated for include [But are NOT limited to]: The poor or economically disenfranchised; Same Gender Loving people of Color; Black, Latin and other disenfranchised people and youth; the Elderly; Women and Muslim women of color; Black youth; and people of ALL races who have been left out of economic processes toward political and economic freedom, hope and equality

** Resume Philosophy:  The professional Job finders say to NEVER, EVER let a potential employer know about your ethnic background. I find this unworkable and possibly unethical. Any potential employer who will NOT respect me as a Black Gay man doesn't deserve to even consider getting me as an employee. This ``attitude’’ is not the result of self-righteous Pride, but the result of years of study, self-healing, and professional character building.


I traveled to Cuba, South Africa, Canada, Porto Rico and various points within the United States such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, Wash D.C., Denver, Colorado, and Aspen, Colorado; Columbus, Dayton and Cleveland, Ohio; Miami, Florida; and New York City [mostly Manhattan and Brooklyn] in my continuing journey to learn and grow as a valued and gifted individual.



I was diagnosed as a person with bipolar illness in 1982 / 1983 and managed to work and or go to school for about 15 years after that before I went on disability.   I have worked hard on writing my own books; reading and researching numerous issues; starting a corporation dedicated to the advancement and reconstruction of successes among Black Youth;  I am a hard worker, a dedicated worker and an honest person. I hope you will let me join your team as a consultant. YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED!!

** You can reach my business through writing Brother Tracy Gibson & Associates, Incorporated and our five subsidiaries. { See the top of this resume}.   

The Union of Black Trash Men

A Number One List of Objectives for Black Trash Collectors of Philadelphia:

*** Take on better values as Black Trash collectors such as being cleaner and cleaning up the front of the property where trash is picked up.

***Being courteous to the people in the community where trash is being picked up.

*** Providing leadership for young Black men and young Black women.

*** Always providing a fair price for the work we do, but expecting to get good wages and good benefits.

*** Support Black media through buying advertising space in Black publications, Black newspapers, Black media outlets, Black blogs, & Black Radio.

*** Support Black children and Black youth in their educational progress, regardless of what field of study they go into—including our own children.

*** Provide hands – on training for Black youth in proper trash removal, courteousness and decency.

*** Encourage our Black youth and the rest of the Black Family to attend Church, Mosque or another religious or Spiritual Institution to gain positive Spiritual guidance & join a ``church home’’ and become better People in the eyes of the Lord Our GOD!!

*** If you are interested in getting more information about the Union of Black Trash Collectors of Philadelphia, please call Brother Tracy Gibson of West Philadelphia at 1 (215) 921-2065 or e-mail me at:

PLEASE SEND IN FEED-BACK!!  - Thank You for your consideration. . .

*** The Above information was compiled by Brother Tracy Gibson and is just meant for exploratory and research purposes at this point. I was a landlord for 25 years and want to see more young Black gentlemen and Young Black ladies get involved in the Building Trade and in creating their own businesses to manage property and own property; as well as other businesses. I have worked for over 16 years on the development and implementation of a corporate entity called Brother Tracy Gibson & Associates, Inc., to help provide professional services and top-notch products to the Black community. We offer Public Relations services, advertising, Philanthropy, products such as tee-shirts and greeting cards, writing services, & Book Publishing. You can reach me at 1 (215) 921 – 2065 or Write me at: BrotherTracy11@GMail.Com