
Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Pastor Louise E. Williams Bishop

An Open Letter from GOD

January 26th, 2020 Sunday
Sistah Reverend Louise E. Williams Bishop
( Live Long and Prosper ) 

Where and How does one begin to even say thank you for 60 plus years of reaching out through the Christian religion to inform, change, improve, and instill good values in People like myself who should have listened sooner.
A BIG HUG and a Thank you will be fine for a start.  I was in attendance at the Martin Luther Commemoration Day ceremony recently ( Last Monday the 20th of January, 2020  ),at the MET on Broad Street,  when you got on your well-deserved High-Horse and told us folks about what a man Martin Luther King was ( He still exists in our memories as quite the man to emulate).
Eventually some BLACK historians will look at King’s life and recall Jesus Christ – if they haven’t as yet.
Some people look at King’s life with Coretta and discover there may have been a few things that could have gone better. I choose instead,  to overlook this and forgive someone who made such an incredible sacrifice as to actually give His life for BLACK people who were suffering from the traditional problems we think of when we think of BLACK people as we go on about our businesses of the day and seem to only remember shortly and infrequently.   
What I have notice, Pastor Williams, is that I don’t know KING!.... I go to Professor Tony MOntaro’s class every Saturday ( The Saturday Free School) and meet all kinds of young people from East India, China and Africa and they help me understand that I haven’t read KING’s books ``Where DO We Go from Here, Chaos or Community,’’; ``Why We Can’t Wait,’’;  ``A Time to Break the Silence: The Essential Works of Martin Luther King, Junior for Students ( King Legacy ),’’; ``A Call to Conscious: The Landmark Speeches of Doctor Martin Luther King, Junior,’’; ``A Gift of LOVe: Sermons from Strength to LOVe and Other preaching,’’ ;   ``The Measure of a Man,’’; ``The Trumpet of Conscious,’’ ; ``Thou Dear GOD,’’; ``Color of Democracy,’’ ; `` The World And Africa,’’.
I have no excuse as a BLACK thinker, BLACK radical & BLACK intellectual and activist for not reading the bulk of these books. There is no excuse because I had over 30 years to take the time to read them, but I have not and I did not.
     Be it NOT for your rousing speech- Pastor Williams Bishop -  last Monday at the MET at Broad AND Poplar  - I still would not have listened to my classmates at the Free School ( which, by the Way, meets at 9:30 A.M. every Saturday at 18th and Diamond Street in the Church of the Advocate in Philadelphia ), were it not for your speech I would not have begun to take the time to gather these important books from the 50 or so books that have been written about Doctor King and read them. These books were written by Doctor King personally and are always more in-depth in insight, authentic analysis and reflective of His thinking and theories more so than all the pounds of other material written about Doctor King. I thank you Sistah- Reverend Louise Williams for your speech and I want to mention that when you gave this speech you were very angry at us children for not doing our homework. Ora Brinkley – the gone, but never forgotten social writer at The Philadelphia Tribune; Managing Editor Claude Harris and His personal secretary Goldie, had the same kind of energy, vitality, vital ness, and vividness of image and character that you still to this day represent and have. It was a good friend of mine, Mr. Eddie M. Frank ( who never misses a day of church), it was He who made sure several years ago that I took the time to discover you after you had already spoken at hundreds of events, gotten elected to office and were on the radio for years, He took the time to make sure I got to one of your events and I thank Him for this. He is not politically oriented, but I thank GOD for our BLACK people who just take the time to sit up and take positive notice of the things we are doing.  GOD walks with you and clears a path for you each and every day. I thank you for this and your generosity a hundred thousand times over.

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