
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

A Tribute to Edward Robinson...

Tribute To Doctor Edward Robinson, Junior...

By Brother Tracy Gibson....

On Sunday, October 7th, 2012, at a nice hotel at 1800 Market street, there was a very well-attended commemoration for the life's work of Doctor Edward Robinson Junior--an educator, activist, organizer and father-figure who had spent his life instilling pride, humanity and concern for our Youth as Black people in many other activists and organizers in the Philadelphia area.

Many people called him uncle, many who attended the Tribute, and mind you there was about 150 people in attendance, remember aloud the times they were honored to be in his presence and company. I was fortunate enough to meet Mr. Robinson on at least two occasions. I remember his work, specifically, on building Black Businesses and I KNOW for sure I was inspired to work hard to carry out a small part of his dream.

He was NOT light on White people and spoke outwardly about what he felt was their complicity in promoting racism. But most of his work took on a more positive bent. He was always willing to help youth take on reading and opening books by Black authors. He was also very interested in Black youth traveling to Africa and discovering their African roots and traditions.

the d'Zert Club {A group of organizers activist and educators who take mostly Black youth on a homage to Egypt, Africa each year for free.}; African Genesis Institute and Teamwork Productions were just three of the organizations and institutions that provided support for the Sunday afternoon event and who carry on the legacy of Doctor Robinson Junior. Several other organizations support Doctor Robinson's work including the Reparations group N'COBRA; ATAC {Avenging the Ancestor's Coalition}; and Universal Companies.

The Evening including many remembrances of Doctor Robinson and a light snack. {I had veggies and lemon juice}. It was a great thing to see so many people gather to give tribute to Doctor Robinson, Junior, whose work will obviously move forward

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