
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Bein' Real About Sex and Sexuality For Adult Readers Only

If you are young and having intimate relations with another person, I want you to do three things: EVERYONE SHOULD READ THIS:

1) If you are under 16, let your parents know (As long as you don't feel they will get too upset, and will listen to you with tolerance, kindness and understanding). If not seek,out the counsel of an understanding aunt or uncle who you feel you can trust, or a Reverend  or Emma, you feel you can trust, or a school counselor you feel you can trust, or a school health teacher you feel you can trust. The reason I want you to tell your parents, grandparents or other elder, is because there are many pitfalls and traps one can get into as a your who is actively having intimate relations.  A: you might be having relations with someone who is older and who should not be taking advantage of you. B: You might be subject to getting this person into trouble because they might not be making a wise decision, but you can actually be more adult than they are by taking the upper hand and waiting until you re older. C: you might also be subject to sexually transmitted diseases (many of them can be treated, but you need to know more and your parents can be the ones to tell you).

2) If you are a responsible adult and having intimate relations, you should know that there are many things you can do to make things safer for you.  Call Blacks Educating Blacks About Sexual Health Issues at (Phone number to come), and say you want to speak to a counselor about your behaviors you think might be out of the realm of safety. You can do this even if you are gay, Same Gender Loving, Transgendered, lesbian or straight. It is very important. And as a older role model, I want you to be safe, secure and happy. I basically want you to stay at your job, save money and work towards some better goals in life such as getting a bank account at a United bank branch and thinking about buying real estate or starting a business.

3) If you are an older adult like I Am, you still must be very careful with your intimate life and I want you to also be very responsible, use condoms, and take it easy by not having multiple intimate partners. Sexually Transmitted Diseases are still on earth, for the time being, although they are being eradicated all the time and things are safer.  The use of denture dams, condoms and having safe sex applies for all ages, all sexual orientations and all ethnic groups.

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